WJHS Online Students

Expectations and guidance for students enrolled in online learning at WJHS


For students who have chose to enroll in WJHS’ online program, we are utilizing the Edgenuity online program to deliver the curriculum. This program is web based and requires no purchase or installation of software on your device.

All students enrolled in the online program will be required to complete the 4 core classes, ELA, Math, Science and Social Studies. Seventh grade students will be enrolled in an elective called Online Learning and Digital Citizenship. Eighth grade students will be enrolled in an elective called Career Explorations.

Students are expected to login to Edgenuity and complete one module for each course daily (school calendar days) beginning October 12, 2020.   Each module takes anywhere from 45 minutes to 70 minutes of instruction/participation.  Students will answer questions and compete tasks throughout each of the modules. The responses to questions completed during the module are recorded by the program and will be included as part of your students’ weekly grade. Each module has a series of quizzes that are to be completed. Students are allowed a retake of quizzes to improve their grade. Additional retakes of quizzes may take place after checking in with their WJHS content teacher for tutoring.

Teachers at WJHS will monitor student progress and engagement throughout the week. This will serve as a means of tracking attendance and ensuring that students are completing their courses from home.


Starting October 12, 2020 your student will need to login to the Edgenuity portal at: https://edgenuity.com  Their login username will be as follows:  

studentid# @bulldogsw.in  Their password is their 8 digit birthday MMDDYEAR.  Once students login they will see all their course assignments. They must complete a minimum of one module per day. The program will generate an ‘attendance’ report that shows the students online activity each day.  School attendance will be based on a student’s Edgenuity active time.  This means logging in and completing a unit in every course each day. If a student does not meet this requirement they will be marked absent for the day. We expect students to be active in their courses for at least 4 ½ hours a day.

As quizzes and tests are assigned the student must complete them in a timely manner. Each week 2 grades will be updated on PowerSchool. One grade will reflect an average of all of the assignments completed (practices, quizzes, and tests). The second grade will be a reflection of how well the student is progressing through the program.  The work assigned will be reflective of the required standards for the quarter.

WJHS teachers will be available for assistance through a virtual platform (zoom or google meet) as well as email and office phone calls. Please refer to the WJHS website for contact information for our teachers.