Travis Dooley - Assistant Principal

Hello Winslow Family!


            My name is Travis Dooley and I am entering my fifth year as Assistant Principal for Winslow Junior High School.  As I grew up in a smaller community in Southeast Kansas I understand and appreciate the dedication and excitement the Winslow community has for its schools and students and am proud and excited to be a member of this community.  Education is something I cherish and reinforce with not only students, but colleagues and the community. 

I graduated from Pittsburg State University in Pittsburg, Kansas with a Bachelors in Political Science in 1999.  In 2015, I graduated with honors from Pittsburg State University with a Masters in History.  In 2019, I completed a leadership certification, with honors, through MidWestern University in Wichita Falls, Texas.  Just this summer I completed another Masters in Educational Leadership, with honors, from Pittsburg State University.  Before coming to Winslow I was a Behavior Specialist Teacher for the Amarillo and Canyon school districts in Texas.  Prior to teaching in Texas I was a collegiate men’s basketball coach with Frank Phillips College in Borger, Texas and with Florida Institute of Technology in Melbourne, Florida.  

As my wife Tamara and I have become a part of this great and proud community it is my hope that we will be able to help our fellow Bulldog nation become even more successful than they already are.  This town and school district have much to offer our youth and I encourage everyone in this community to gather around our students and provide them with the tools to be not only successful students but also successful adults. 




Travis Dooley – Assistant Principal WJHS