Game Club

Game Club will be held every Wednesday afternoon starting at 3:30 pm and going until 4:30 pm in room 16
If there are any schedule changes I will post them on Schoology on the Tuesday before club. 
Have you wanted to just hang out with your friends and play Monopoly or Uno after school?
Maybe you wanted to team up with your classmates and play a tabletop RPG where you go on whacky and intense adventures through fantastical worlds.
Then game club is the right club for you!!!
This year I will be running the WJHS game club; where you will be able to play a vast amount of different board games with other club members. Games like Uno, Monopoly, Connect 4, Chess, Apples to Apples, and much more. (Like seriously there are so many games in here). 
We also have a D&D Campaign running with our previous year's members and would happily have another adventurer join the fray. 
What is D&D?
D&D stands for Dungeons and Dragons which is a tabletop roleplaying game where you can create the adventure yourself. Have a silly character who only speaks in rhymes or a very serious character with an intense and heart-wrenching backstory, it's entirely up to you. 
If the club seems interesting to you, feel free to talk to me about it at school or via email. You are also more than welcome to stop by room 16 on Wednesdays and join in.